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Divyang Sureshbhai Jadav

Divyang Sureshbhai Jadav

Assistant Professor
School of Technology, Management & Engineering

SVKM’s NMIMS School of Technology Management and Engineering, Navi Mumbai Ph.D. – Pursuing (IIT Bombay)

M.Tech. – Microelectronics (IIT Bombay)

B.E. – Electronics (VNSGU Surat)

E-mail ID: Divyang.Jadav@nmims.edu

Research Interest:

Image and Signal Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning approaches for Cutting Edge Technologies, VLSI Designing

Current Research:

"Multiresolution Machine Learning approaches for Touchless Biometric Modalities," under the guidance and supervision of Prof. Vikram M. Gadre, Professor in Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Bombay.


Previous Research:

M.Tech. Dissertation work entitled "Embedded System Design Using FPGA, A Case Study: Sobel Operator and Haptic" was carried out under the guidance and supervision of Prof. Sachin Patkar, Professor in Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Bombay.


Subjects Teaching:

Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Principles of Electronics Engineering


Major Subjects Taught:

Principles of Electrical Engineering, Digital Logic Design, Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, VLSI Technology & Design, Microwave Engineering, Microprocessor & Microcontroller, Analog & Digital Communication, Simulation & Design Tools, Electrical & Electronics Workshop.


Work Experience:

Teaching Experience - 16 Years 10 Months

  • Assistant Professor (Electrical/Electronics), SVKM’s NMIMS STME Navi Mumbai, December 2018 – Present.
  • Assistant Professor (Electronics and Telecommunication), SVMIT Bharuch, January 2008

– November 2018.

  • Adhoc Lecturer (Electronics and Telecommunication), SVMIT Bharuch, February 2006 – January


Service to the University:

Convener of the SC/ST Committee, Member of the Engineering Events Committee, Member of the CSI, ESG, Rotaract Club of NMIMS Sunrise, Navi Mumbai


Professional Body Memberships:

Member of International Association of Engineers (IAENG)


Papers Published:

  • S. Jadav and M. M. Tripathi, "Implementation of Real-Time One Degree of Freedom Haptic Device Using FPGA," 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES), 2021, pp. 298-302, DOI: 10.1109/iSES52644.2021.00076.


Papers Presented:

  • N. Parmar, D. S. Jadav, A. M. Kothari, "Digital Watermarking: Technique to Embed Visible & Invisible Watermark," National Conference on Wireless Communication & VLSI Design (NCWCVD -2010), Gwalior Engineering College (IEEE MP Subsection), Gwalior, 27th to 28th March 2010.


Training Courses/ Workshops/ Seminars/ Faculty Development Programs Attended:

  1. Attended the five-week online course, "Advanced Instructional Strategies in Virtual Classroom”, sponsored by Coursera
  2. Attended the four-week online course, "Introduction to Internet of Things and Embedded Systems”, sponsored by Coursera
  3. Attended two-week online FDP on, "Emerging Trends in Industry 0”, sponsored by ACM
  4. Attended one-week workshop on, "Programmable Logic Controllers: Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition”, at SVMIT Bharuch, sponsored by Prolific Systems & Technologies Ltd.
  5. Attended one-week STTP on, "VLSI & Embedded Systems”, at SCET Surat, sponsored by ISTE
  6. Attended one-week STTP on, "Recent Trends in Power Electronics”, at SVNIT Surat, sponsored by AICTE
  7. Attended one-week STTP on, "Advance Laboratory Techniques in RF & Microwave”, at SVNIT Surat, sponsored by AICTE
  8. Attended one-week STTP on, "Teaching with MATLAB & Simulink”, at SVNIT Surat, sponsored by AICTE
  9. Attended one-week QIP Short Term Course on, "Control Systems”, at IIT Bombay, sponsored by CE & QIP, IIT Bombay
  10. Attended one-week QIP Short Term Course on, "Principles & Applications of Satellite Image Processing”, at IIT Bombay, sponsored by CE & QIP, IIT Bombay
  11. Attended one-week FDP on, "Basic Electrical Technology”, at GTU Gandhinagar, sponsored by GTU Gandhinagar
  12. Attended one-week STTP on, "Power Electronic Applications in Power System and Industries”, at SVMIT Bharuch, sponsored by Gujarat Council on Science & Technology
  1. Attended one-week STTP on, "Artificial Intelligence”, at IIIT Vadodara (Gandhinagar Campus), sponsored by AICTE New-Delhi
  2. Attended one-week online FDP on, "Python Programming”, sponsored Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay
  3. Attended three-days FDP on, "Principles of Electrical Engineering”, at TCS Kolkata, sponsored by TCS
  4. Attended two-day FDP on, "LaTex on Mathematics and Research Documentation”, at SVKM’s NMIMS STME Navi-Mumbai
  5. Attended one-day workshop on, "Ideation & Business Model Canvas”, at SVMIT Bharuch, sponsored by SVMIT Bharuch.
  6. Attended one-day workshop on, "Embedded Systems & Microcontrollers”, at SVMIT Bharuch, sponsored by Resonant Tech. Pvt.
  7. Attended one-day workshop on, "Cadence-Orcad EDA Technology”, at SCET Surat, sponsored by Advance Micronics Devices
  8. Attended one-day workshop on, "Wireless Communication & FPGA Debugging”, at SVNIT Surat, sponsored by Agilent Technologies Ltd.
  9. Attended one-day FDP on, "Basic Electrical Engineering”, at SVKM’s NMIMS MPSTME Mumbai, sponsored by NMIMS University.
  10. Attended two-days FDP on, "Robotics & Embedded Systems”, at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, sponsored by NMIMS University.
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